1st Chilean Summer School about Social Network Research
The University of Utah
Booz Allen Hamilton
With more data and computing resources, the things that we can ask and do with networks are becoming increasingly (even more) exciting and complex.
In this section, I will introduce some of the latest advancements and forthcoming topics in network modeling.
In Krivitsky, Coletti, and Hens (2023a), the authors present a start-to-finish pooled ERGM example featuring heterogeneous data sources.
They increase power and allow exploring heterogeneous effects across types/classes of networks.
Ever wondered how to model influence exclusively?
REMs are great for modeling sequences of ties (instead of panel or cross-sectional.)
Butts et al. (2023) provides a general overview of Relational Event Models [REMs,] new methods, and future steps.
Figure 3 reproduced from Brandenberger (2020)
Wang, Fellows, and Handcock recently published a re-introduction of the ERNM framework (Wang, Fellows, and Handcock 2023).
ERNMs generalize ERGMs to incorporate behavior and are the cross-sectional causing of SIENA models.
\begin{align*} \text{ER\textbf{G}M}: & P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}}(\bm{Y}=\bm{y} | \bm{X}=\bm{x}) \\ \text{ER\textbf{N}M}: & P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}}(\bm{Y}=\bm{y}, \bm{X}=\bm{x}) \end{align*}
R packageERGMs are a particular case of Random Markov fields.
We can use the ERGM framework for modeling vectors of binary outcomes, e.g., the consumption of \{tobacco, MJ, alcohol\}
Reproduced from Krivitsky, Coletti, and Hens (2023b)
Conditioning the ERGM on an observed statistic “drops” the associated coefficient.
Hypothesis: As n increases, conditional ERGM estimates are consistent with the full model:
Simulation study trying to demonstrate the concept (Work in progress)
Attempts to overcome these problems by extending the blockmodel have focused particularly on the use of (more complicated) p∗ or exponential random graph models, but while these are conceptually appealing, they quickly lose the analytic tractability of the original blockmodel as their complexity increases.
– Karrer and Newman (2011)
New topics in network modeling – https://ggvy.cl