Looks for duplicated edges and reports the number of instances of them.

check.dpl.edges(edges, undirected = FALSE, order.edgelist = TRUE)



A matrix or data frame structured as a list of edges


Declares if the net is directed or not (does de difference)


Whether to sort the resulting matrix or not


A three column data.frame with colnames “source”, “target” “reps”.


check.dpl.edges looks for duplicated edges reporting duplicates and counting how many times each edge is duplicated.

For every group of duplicated edges only one will be accounted to report number of instances (which will be recognized with a value higher than 2 in the reps column), the other ones will be assigned an NA at the reps value.

See also

Other manipulation: switch.edges()


George Vega Yon


# An edgelist with duplicated dyads relations <- cbind(c(1,1,3,3,4,2,5,6), c(2,3,1,1,2,4,1,1)) # Checking duplicated edges (undirected graph) check.dpl.edges(edges=relations, undirected=TRUE)
#> source target reps #> 1 1 2 1 #> 2 1 3 NA #> 3 3 1 NA #> 4 3 1 3 #> 5 4 2 NA #> 6 2 4 2 #> 7 5 1 1 #> 8 6 1 1