List the first n_nodes and n_edges of the gexf file.

# S3 method for gexf
head(x, n_nodes = 6L, n_edges = n_nodes, ...)



An object of class gexf.

n_nodes, n_edges

Integers. Number of nodes and edges to print




fn <- system.file("gexf-graphs/lesmiserables.gexf", package = "rgexf") g <- read.gexf(fn) head(g, n_nodes = 5)
#> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> #> <gexf xmlns="" xmlns:viz="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.3" xsi:schemaLocation=""> #> <meta lastmodifieddate="2016-11-09"> #> <creator>Gephi 0.9</creator> #> <description/> #> </meta> #> <graph defaultedgetype="undirected" mode="static"> #> <attributes class="node" mode="static"> #> <attribute id="modularity_class" title="Modularity Class" type="integer"/> #> </attributes> #> <nodes> #> <node id="11" label="Valjean"> #> <attvalues> #> <attvalue for="modularity_class" value="1"/> #> </attvalues> #> <viz:size value="100.0"/> #> <viz:position x="-87.93029" y="6.8120565"/> #> <viz:color r="245" g="91" b="91"/> #> </node> #> <node id="48" label="Gavroche"> #> <attvalues> #> <attvalue for="modularity_class" value="8"/> #> </attvalues> #> <viz:size value="61.600006"/> #> <viz:position x="387.89572" y="-110.462326"/> #> <viz:color r="91" g="245" b="91"/> #> </node> #> <node id="55" label="Marius"> #> <attvalues> #> <attvalue for="modularity_class" value="6"/> #> </attvalues> #> <viz:size value="53.37143"/> #> <viz:position x="206.44687" y="13.805411"/> #> <viz:color r="194" g="91" b="245"/> #> </node> #> <node id="27" label="Javert"> #> <attvalues> #> <attvalue for="modularity_class" value="7"/> #> </attvalues> #> <viz:size value="47.88571"/> #> <viz:position x="-81.46074" y="204.20204"/> #> <viz:color r="91" g="245" b="194"/> #> </node> #> <node id="25" label="Thenardier"> #> <attvalues> #> <attvalue for="modularity_class" value="7"/> #> </attvalues> #> <viz:size value="45.142853"/> #> <viz:position x="82.80825" y="203.1144"/> #> <viz:color r="91" g="245" b="194"/> #> </node> #> ... #> </nodes> #> <edges> #> <edge id="0" source="1" target="0"/> #> <edge id="1" source="2" target="0" weight="8.0"/> #> <edge id="2" source="3" target="0" weight="10.0"/> #> <edge id="3" source="3" target="2" weight="6.0"/> #> <edge id="4" source="4" target="0"/> #> ... #> </edges> #> </graph> #> </gexf>