Introduction to ERGMs


July 3, 2024

Have you ever wondered if the friend of your friend is your friend? Or if the people you consider your friends feel the same about you, or if age is related to whether you seek advice from others? All these (and many others certainly more creative) questions can be answered using Exponential-Family Random Graph Models.

1 ERGMs in a nutshell

image/svg+xml Homophily Transitive Triad Popularity

Three types of structures frequently used in ERGMs.

Exponential-family Random Graph Models (ERG Models or ERGMs) generalize many network models. These come in various flavors, including directed, undirected, bipartite, and multi-layer networks. ERGMs also feature dynamic models, i.e., evolution of networks over time. Overall, the main goal of ERG models is to make statistical inferences about the prevalence of specific structures in observed graphs. Although we can use it to predict individual ties, other models based on machine learning algorithms may be more appropriate for the task. Here are a few example types of questions and tasks ERG models can be used to address:

  1. First and foremost, estimating network models for testing hypotheses such as “Are matching gender individuals more likely to befriend each other?”, “Are individuals of gender xyz more likely to send more ties than others?”, “Does age play a role in triadic closure?”.

  2. Conditional sampling from existing networks. In permutation tests, network scientists often generate null hypotheses by sampling conditioning on a fix network statistic, for example, the degree sequence or density. With ERGMs, we can go beyond and have a sampling distribution that conditions multiple features simulatenously.

  3. Simulating networks for ABMs. Using existing ERGM fits, we can generate more realistic networks for Agent-Based Model studies.

2 Introduction

Exponential-Family Random Graph Models, known as ERGMs, ERG Models, or p^* models (Holland and Leinhardt (1981), Frank and Strauss (1986), Wasserman and Pattison (1996), Snijders et al. (2006), Robins et al. (2007), and many others) are a large family of statistical distributions for random graphs. In ERGMs, the focus is on the processes that give origin to the network rather than the individual ties.1

The most common representation of ERGMs is the following:

P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}}(\bm{Y}=\bm{y}) = \exp\left(\bm{\theta}^{\mathbf{t}} s(y)\right)\kappa(\bm{\theta})^{-1}

where \bm{Y} is a random graph, \bm{y}\in \mathcal{Y} is a particular realization of Y, \bm{\theta} is a vector of parameters, s(\bm{y}) is a vector of sufficient statistics, and \kappa(\bm{\theta}) is a normalizing constant. The normalizing constant is defined as:

\kappa(\bm{\theta}) = \sum_{\bm{y} \in \mathcal{Y}} \exp\left(\bm{\theta}^{\mathbf{t}} s(\bm{y})\right)

From the statistical point of view, the normalizing constant makes this model attractive; only cases where \mathcal{Y} is small enough to be enumerated are feasible (G. G. Vega Yon, Slaughter, and Haye 2021). Because of that reason, estimating ERGMs is a challenging task.

In simpler terms, ERG models resemble Logistic regressions. The term \bm{\theta}^{\mathbf{t}} s(\bm{y}) is the sum of the product between the parameters and the statistics (like you would see in a Logistic regression,) and its key component is the composition of the vector of sufficient statistics, s(\bm{y}). The latter is what defines the model.

The vector of sufficient statistics dictates the network’s data-generating process. Like the mean and variance characterize the normal distribution, sufficient statistics (and corresponding parameters) characterize the ERG distribution. Figure 1 shows some examples of sufficient statistics with their corresponding parametrizations.

Figure 1: Example ERGM terms from G. G. Vega Yon, Slaughter, and Haye (2021)

The ergm package has many terms we can use to fit these models. You can explore the available terms in the manual ergm.terms in the ergm package. Take a moment to explore the manual and see the different terms available.

3 Dyadic independence (p1)

The simplest ERG model we can fit is a Bernoulli (Erdos-Renyi) model. Here, the only statistic is the edge count. Now, if we can write the function computing sufficient statistics as a sum over all edges, i.e., s(\bm{y}) = \sum_{ij}s'(y_{ij}), the model reduces to a Logistic regression.


# Simulating a Bernoulli network
Y <- matrix(rbinom(100^2, 1, 0.1), 100, 100)
diag(Y) <- NA

  logit = glm(as.vector(Y) ~ 1, family = binomial) |> coef(),
  ergm  = ergm(Y ~ edges) |> coef(),
  avg   = mean(Y, na.rm = TRUE) |> qlogis()
##                 logit      ergm       avg
## (Intercept) -2.230205 -2.230205 -2.230205

When we see this, we say that dyads are independent of each other, also called p1 models (Holland and Leinhardt 1981). As a second example, imagine that we are interested in assessing whether gender homophily (the tendency between individuals of the same gender to connect) is present in a network. ERG models are the right tool for this task. Moreover, if we assume that gender homophily is the only mechanism that governs the network, the problem reduces to a Logistic regression:

P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}}(y_{ij} = 1) = \text{Logit}^{-1}\left(\theta_{edges} + \theta_{homophily}\mathbb{1}\left(X_i = X_j\right)\right)

where \mathbb{1}\left(\cdot\right) is the indicator function, and X_i equals one if the ith individual is female, and zero otherwise. To see this, let’s simulate some data. The simulate_formula function will be used in the ergm package. We only need a network, a model, and some arbitrary coefficients. We start with an indicator vector for gender (1: female, male, otherwise):

# Simulating data
X <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5)
[1] 0 1 0 0 1 0

Next, we use the functions from the ergm and network packages to simulate a network with homophily:

# Simulating the network with homophily

# A network with 100 vertices
Y <- network(100) 

# Adding the vertex attribute with the %v% operator
Y %v% "X" <- X

# Simulating the network
Y <- ergm::simulate_formula(
  # The model
  Y ~ edges + nodematch("X"),
  # The coefficients
  coef = c(-3, 2)

In this case, the network tends to be sparse (negative edges coefficient) and present homophilic ties (positive node match coefficient). Using the sna package (also from the statnet suite), we can plot the network:

gplot(Y, vertex.col = c("green", "red")[Y %v% "X" + 1])

Or we can also use the netplot package (G. Vega Yon and Bischoff 2024):

nplot(Y, vertex.color = ~ X)

Using the ERGM package, we can fit the model using code very similar to the one used to simulate the network:

fit_homophily <- ergm(Y ~ edges + nodematch("X"))

We will check the results later and compare them against the following: the Logit model. The following code chunk implements the logistic regression model for this particular model. This example only proves that ERGMs are a generalization of Logistic regression.

Only to learn!

This example was created only for learning purposes. In practice, you should always use the ergm package or PNet software to fit ERGMs.

n <- 100
sstats <- summary_formula(Y ~ edges + nodematch("X"))
Y_mat <- as.matrix(Y)
diag(Y_mat) <- NA

# To speed computations, we pre-compute this value
X_vec <- outer(X, X, "==") |> as.numeric()

# Function to compute the negative likelihood
obj <- \(theta) {

  # Compute the probability according to the value of Y
  p <- ifelse(
    Y_mat == 1,

    # If Y = 1
    plogis(theta[1] + X_vec * theta[2]),

    # If Y = 0
    1 - plogis(theta[1] + X_vec * theta[2])

  # The -loglikelihood


And, using the optim function, we can fit the model:

# Fitting the model
fit_homophily_logit <- optim(c(0,0), obj, hessian = TRUE)

Now that we have the values, let’s compare them:

# The coefficients
  theta_ergm  = coef(fit_homophily),
  theta_logit = fit_homophily_logit$par,
  sd_ergm     = vcov(fit_homophily) |> diag() |> sqrt(),
  sd_logit    = sqrt(diag(solve(fit_homophily_logit$hessian)))
            theta_ergm theta_logit    sd_ergm   sd_logit
edges        -2.973331   -2.973829 0.06659648 0.06661195
nodematch.X   1.926039    1.926380 0.07395580 0.07397026

As you can see, both models yielded the exact estimates because they are the same! Before continuing, let’s review a couple of essential results in ERGMs.

4 The most important results

If we were able to say what two of the most important results in ERGMs are, I would say the following: (a) conditioning on the rest of the graph, the probability of a tie distributes Logistic (Bernoulli), and (b) the ratio between two loglikelihoods can be approximated through simulation.

4.1 The logistic distribution

Let’s start by stating the result: Conditioning on all graphs that are not y_{ij}, the probability of a tie Y_{ij} is distributed Logistic; formally:

P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}}(Y_{ij}=1 | \bm{y}_{-ij}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp \left(\bm{\theta}^{\mathbf{t}}\delta_{ij}(\bm{y}){}\right)},

where \delta_{ij}(\bm{y}){}\equiv s_{ij}^+(\bm{y}) - s_{ij}^-(\bm{y}) is the change statistic, and s_{ij}^+(\bm{y}) and s_{ij}^-(\bm{y}) are the statistics of the graph with and without the tie Y_{ij}, respectively.

The importance of this result is two-fold: (a) we can use this equation to interpret fitted models in the context of a single graph (like using odds,) and (b) we can use this equation to simulate from the model, without touching the normalizing constant.

4.2 The ratio of loglikelihoods

The second significant result is that the ratio of loglikelihoods can be approximated through simulation. It is based on the following observation by Geyer and Thompson (1992):

\frac{\kappa(\bm{\theta})}{\kappa(\bm{\theta}_0)} = \mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}_0}\left((\bm{\theta} - \bm{\theta}_0)s(\bm{y})^{\mathbf{t}}\right),

Using the latter, we can approximate the following loglikelihood ratio:

\begin{align*} l(\bm{\theta}) - l(\bm{\theta}_0) = & (\bm{\theta} - \bm{\theta}_0)^{\mathbf{t}}s(\bm{y}) - \log\left[\frac{\kappa(\bm{\theta})}{\kappa(\bm{\theta}_0)}\right]\\ \approx & (\bm{\theta} - \bm{\theta}_0)^{\mathbf{t}}s(\bm{y}) - \log\left[M^{-1}\sum_{\bm{y}^{(m)}} (\bm{\theta} - \bm{\theta}_0)^{\mathbf{t}}s(\bm{y}^{(m)})\right] \end{align*}

Where \bm{\theta}_0 is an arbitrary vector of parameters, and \bm{y}^{(m)} are sampled from the distribution P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}_0}. In the words of Geyer and Thompson (1992), “[…] it is possible to approximate \bm{\theta} by using simulations from one distribution P_{\mathcal{Y}, \bm{\theta}_0} no matter which \bm{\theta}_0 in the parameter space is.” This result has been key for the MC-MLE algorithm (see Hunter, Krivitsky, and Schweinberger (2012)), which has been front and center in the ergm R package.2

5 Start to finish example

There is no silver bullet to fit ERGMs. However, the following steps are a good starting point:

  1. Inspect the data: Ensure the network you work with is processed correctly. Some common mistakes include isolates being excluded, vertex attributes not being adequately aligned (mismatch), etc.

  2. Start with endogenous effects first: Before jumping into vertex/edge-covariates, try fitting models that only include structural terms such as edgecount, triangles (or their equivalent,) stars, reciprocity, etc.

  3. After structure is controlled: You can add vertex/edge-covariates. The most common ones are homophily, nodal-activity, etc.

  4. Evaluate your results: Once you have a model you are happy with, the last couple of steps are (a) assess convergence (which is usually done automagically by the ergm package,) and (b) assess goodness-of-fit, which in this context means how good was our model to capture (not-controlled for) properties of the network.

Although we could go ahead and use an existing dataset to play with, instead, we will simulate a directed graph with the following properties:

  • 100 nodes.
  • Homophily on Music taste.
  • Gender heterophily.
  • Reciprocity

The following code chunk illustrates how to do this in R. Notice that, like the previous example, we need to create a network with the vertex attributes needed to simulate homophily.

# Simulating the covariates (vertex attribute)

# Simulating the data
Y <- network(100, directed = TRUE)
Y %v% "fav_music" <- sample(c("rock", "jazz", "pop"), 100, replace = TRUE)
Y %v% "female"    <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) 

Now that we have a starting point for the simulation, we can use the simulate_formula function to get our network:

Y <- ergm::simulate_formula(
  Y ~
    edges +
    nodematch("fav_music") + 
    nodematch("female") +
  coef = c(-4, 1, -1, 2)

# And visualize it!
gplot(Y, vertex.col = c("green", "red")[Y %v% "female" + 1])

This figure is precisely why we need ERGMs (and why many Sunbelt talks don’t include a network visualization!). We know the graph has structure (it’s not random), but visually, it is hard to see.

5.1 Inspect the data

For the sake of time, we will not take the time to investigate our network properly. However, you should always do so. Make sure you do descriptive statistics (density, centrality, modularity, etc.), check missing values, isolates (disconnected nodes), and inspect your data visually through “notepad” and visualizations before jumping into your ERG model.

5.2 Start with endogenous effects first

The step is to check whether we can fit an ERGM or not. We can do so with the Bernoulli graph:

model_1 <- ergm(Y ~ edges)
ergm(formula = Y ~ edges)

Maximum Likelihood Results:

      Estimate Std. Error MCMC % z value Pr(>|z|)    
edges -3.78885    0.06833      0  -55.45   <1e-04 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

     Null Deviance: 13724  on 9900  degrees of freedom
 Residual Deviance:  2102  on 9899  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2104  BIC: 2112  (Smaller is better. MC Std. Err. = 0)

It is rare to see a model in which the edgecount is not significant. The next term we will add is reciprocity (mutual in the ergm package)

model_2 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual) 
## Warning: 'glpk' selected as the solver, but package 'Rglpk' is not available;
## falling back to 'lpSolveAPI'. This should be fine unless the sample size and/or
## the number of parameters is very big.
## Call:
## ergm(formula = Y ~ edges + mutual)
## Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Results:
##        Estimate Std. Error MCMC % z value Pr(>|z|)    
## edges  -3.93230    0.07596      0 -51.769   <1e-04 ***
## mutual  2.18283    0.28278      0   7.719   <1e-04 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##      Null Deviance: 13724  on 9900  degrees of freedom
##  Residual Deviance:  2065  on 9898  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 2069  BIC: 2083  (Smaller is better. MC Std. Err. = 0.5686)

As expected, reciprocity is significant (we made it like this!.) Notwithstanding, there is a difference between this model and the previous one. This model was not fitted using MLE. Instead, since the reciprocity term involves more than one tie, the model cannot be reduced to a Logistic regression, so it needs to be estimated using one of the other available estimation methods in the ergm package.

The model starts gaining complexity as we add higher-order terms involving more ties. An infamous example is the number of triangles. Although highly important for social sciences, including triangle terms in your ERGMs results in a degenerate model (when the MCMC chain jumps between empty and fully connected graphs). One exception is if you deal with small networks. To address this, Snijders et al. (2006) and Hunter (2007) introduced various new terms that significantly reduce the risk of degeneracy. Here, we will illustrate the use of the term “geometrically weighted dyadic shared partner” (gwdsp,) which Prof. David Hunter proposed. The gwdsp term is akin to triadic closure but reduces the chances of degeneracy.

# Fitting two more models (output message suppressed)
model_3 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual + gwdsp(.5, fixed = TRUE))
# model_4 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + triangles) # bad idea

Right after fitting a model, we want to inspect the results. An excellent tool for this is the R package texreg (Leifeld 2013):

knitreg(list(model_1, model_2, model_3))
Statistical models
  Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
edges -3.79*** -3.93*** -3.82***
  (0.07) (0.08) (0.22)
mutual   2.18*** 2.16***
    (0.28) (0.30)
gwdsp.OTP.fixed.0.5     -0.02
AIC 2104.43 2068.95 2069.52
BIC 2111.63 2083.35 2091.12
Log Likelihood -1051.22 -1032.48 -1031.76
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

So far, model_2 is winning. We will continue with this model.

5.3 Let’s add a little bit of structure

Now that we only have a model featuring endogenous terms, we can add vertex/edge-covariates. Starting with "fav_music", there are a couple of different ways to use this node feature:

  1. Directly through homophily (assortative mixing): Using the nodematch term, we can control for the propensity of individuals to connect based on shared music taste.

  2. Homophily (v2): We could activate the option diff = TRUE using the same term. By doing this, the homophily term is operationalized differently, adding as many terms as options in the vertex attribute.

  3. Mixing: We can use the term nodemix for individuals’ tendency to mix between musical tastes.


In this context, what would be the different hypotheses behind each decision?

model_4 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual + nodematch("fav_music"))
model_5 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual + nodematch("fav_music", diff = TRUE))
model_6 <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual + nodemix("fav_music"))

Now, let’s inspect what we have so far:

knitreg(list(`2` = model_2, `4` = model_4, `5` = model_5, `6` = model_6))
Statistical models
  2 4 5 6
edges -3.93*** -4.29*** -4.28*** -3.55***
  (0.08) (0.10) (0.10) (0.23)
mutual 2.18*** 1.98*** 1.96*** 1.98***
  (0.28) (0.30) (0.30) (0.30)
nodematch.fav_music   0.85***    
nodematch.fav_music.jazz     0.73**  
nodematch.fav_music.pop     0.83***  
nodematch.fav_music.rock     0.88***  
mix.fav_music.pop.jazz       -0.54
mix.fav_music.rock.jazz       -0.76*
mix.fav_music.jazz.pop       -0.61
mix.fav_music.pop.pop       0.09
mix.fav_music.rock.pop       -0.53
mix.fav_music.jazz.rock       -1.41**
mix.fav_music.pop.rock       -0.87**
mix.fav_music.rock.rock       0.14
AIC 2068.95 2031.20 2033.35 2037.32
BIC 2083.35 2052.80 2069.35 2109.33
Log Likelihood -1032.48 -1012.60 -1011.67 -1008.66
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

Although model 5 has a higher loglikelihood, using AIC or BIC suggests model 4 is a better candidate. For the sake of time, we will jump ahead and add nodematch("female") as the last term of our model. The next step is to assess (a) convergence and (b) goodness-of-fit.

model_final <- ergm(Y ~ edges + mutual + nodematch("fav_music") + nodematch("female"))

# Printing the pretty table
knitreg(list(`2` = model_2, `4` = model_4, `Final` = model_final))
Statistical models
  2 4 Final
edges -3.93*** -4.29*** -3.95***
  (0.08) (0.10) (0.11)
mutual 2.18*** 1.98*** 1.86***
  (0.28) (0.30) (0.32)
nodematch.fav_music   0.85*** 0.82***
    (0.14) (0.14)
nodematch.female     -0.74***
AIC 2068.95 2031.20 2002.64
BIC 2083.35 2052.80 2031.44
Log Likelihood -1032.48 -1012.60 -997.32
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05

5.4 Evaluate your results

5.4.1 Convergence

As our model was fitted using MCMC, we must ensure the chains converged. We can use the mcmc.diagnostics function from the ergm package to check model convergence. This function looks at the last set of simulations of the MCMC model and generates various diagnostics for the user.

Under the hood, the fitting algorithm generates a stream of networks based on those parameters for each new proposed set of model parameters. The last stream of networks is thus simulated using the final state of the model. The mcmc.diagnostics function takes that stream of networks and plots the sequence of the sufficient statistics included in the model. A converged model should show a stationary statistics sequence, moving around a fixed value without (a) becoming stuck at any point and (b) chaining the tendency. This model shows both:

mcmc.diagnostics(model_final, which   = c("plots"))

Note: MCMC diagnostics shown here are from the last round of
  simulation, prior to computation of final parameter estimates.
  Because the final estimates are refinements of those used for this
  simulation run, these diagnostics may understate model performance.
  To directly assess the performance of the final model on in-model
  statistics, please use the GOF command: gof(ergmFitObject,

Now that we know our model was good enough to represent the observed statistics (sample them, actually,) let’s see how good it is at capturing other features of the network that were not included in the model.

5.4.2 Goodness-of-fit

This would be the last step in the sequence of steps to fit an ERGM. As we mentioned before, the idea of Goodness-of-fit [GOF] in ERG models is to see how well our model captures other properties of the graph that were not included in the model. By default, the gof function from the ergm package computes GOF for:

  1. The model statistics.

  2. The outdegree distribution.

  3. The indegree distribution.

  4. The distribution of edge-wise shared partners.

  5. The distribution of the geodesic distances (shortest path).

The process of evaluating GOF is relatively straightforward. Using samples from the posterior distribution, we check whether the observed statistics from above are covered (fall within the CI) of our model. If they do, we say that the model has a good fit. Otherwise, if we observe significant anomalies, we return to the bench and try to improve our model.

As with all simulated data, our gof() call shows that our selected model was an excellent choice for the observed graph:

gof_final <- gof(model_final)
## Goodness-of-fit for in-degree 
##           obs min  mean max MC p-value
## idegree0   11   5 11.25  20       1.00
## idegree1   22  14 24.88  38       0.58
## idegree2   23  17 27.33  39       0.34
## idegree3   30   9 19.66  29       0.00
## idegree4   10   3 10.28  18       1.00
## idegree5    3   0  4.45  12       0.66
## idegree6    1   0  1.48   4       1.00
## idegree7    0   0  0.47   3       1.00
## idegree8    0   0  0.15   2       1.00
## idegree9    0   0  0.03   1       1.00
## idegree10   0   0  0.02   1       1.00
## Goodness-of-fit for out-degree 
##          obs min  mean max MC p-value
## odegree0  10   4 11.59  22       0.70
## odegree1  30  15 24.58  35       0.32
## odegree2  23  15 27.17  36       0.32
## odegree3  17  12 19.49  32       0.60
## odegree4  10   4 10.58  18       1.00
## odegree5   8   0  4.37  10       0.20
## odegree6   2   0  1.54   5       0.96
## odegree7   0   0  0.53   3       1.00
## odegree8   0   0  0.13   2       1.00
## odegree9   0   0  0.02   1       1.00
## Goodness-of-fit for edgewise shared partner 
##          obs min   mean max MC p-value
## esp.OTP0 212 173 205.28 251       0.64
## esp.OTP1   7   1  10.20  23       0.58
## esp.OTP2   0   0   0.24   3       1.00
## esp.OTP3   0   0   0.01   1       1.00
## Goodness-of-fit for minimum geodesic distance 
##      obs  min    mean  max MC p-value
## 1    219  184  215.73  262       0.88
## 2    449  323  443.96  641       0.94
## 3    790  504  815.51 1382       0.98
## 4   1151  686 1215.23 2172       0.86
## 5   1245  778 1370.14 2133       0.60
## 6   1043  757 1164.47 1519       0.38
## 7    745  515  791.92 1153       0.80
## 8    434  152  467.19  866       0.82
## 9    198   28  250.29  577       0.64
## 10    80    0  123.53  413       0.68
## 11    10    0   57.66  290       0.36
## 12     1    0   26.01  186       0.44
## 13     0    0   10.68  101       0.82
## 14     0    0    3.70   42       1.00
## 15     0    0    1.30   23       1.00
## 16     0    0    0.49   14       1.00
## 17     0    0    0.15    7       1.00
## 18     0    0    0.08    5       1.00
## 19     0    0    0.01    1       1.00
## Inf 3535 1061 2941.95 4713       0.40
## Goodness-of-fit for model statistics 
##                     obs min   mean max MC p-value
## edges               219 184 215.73 262       0.88
## mutual               16   7  15.81  24       1.00
## nodematch.fav_music 123  86 119.89 143       0.88
## nodematch.female     72  47  71.48  91       0.96

It is easier to see the results using the plot function:

# Plotting the result (5 figures)
op <- par(mfrow = c(3,2))

6 Conclusion

We have shown here just a glimpse of what ERG models are. A large, active, collaborative community of social network scientists is working on new extensions and advances. If you want to learn more about ERGMs, I recommend the following resources:

  • The Statnet website (link).

  • The book “Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications” by Lusher, Koskinen, and Robins (2013).

  • Melnet’s PNEt website (link).

7 Group activity

The ergm package comes with a handful of vignettes (extended R examples) that you can use to learn more about the package. The vignette with the same name as the package shows an example fitting a model to the network faux.mesa.high. Address the following questions:

  1. What type of ERG model is this?

  2. Looking at the plot in the vignette, what other term(s) could you consider worth adding to the model? Why?

  3. The vignette did not include a goodness-of-fit analysis. Can you add one? What do you find?

  4. Challenge: without using ergm to fit the model, estimate the following p1 model: ~ edges + nodefactor("Race"). Compare your results with what you get using ergm.

8 References

Frank, O, and David Strauss. 1986. Markov graphs.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 81 (395): 832–42.
Geyer, Charles J., and Elizabeth A. Thompson. 1992. “Constrained Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood for Dependent Data.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) 54 (3): 657–99.
Holland, Paul W., and Samuel Leinhardt. 1981. An exponential family of probability distributions for directed graphs.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 76 (373): 33–50.
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  1. While ERG Models can predict individual ties (another way of describing them), the focus is on the processes that give origin to the network.↩︎

  2. Although later versions of the ergm package use the contrastive divergence by Krivitsky (2017).↩︎